Friday, November 29, 2013

The 21 KM -- Dream

Two years ago, I ran my first ever 10KM Marathon making me able to tick off one item in my bucket list. 

Look how proud I am of my finisher medal :)
 I still have two items to tick off in that list in terms of my running career (ha ha ha); a 21KM and hopefully a full marathon someday.

This Sunday 1st December will the day for the 2013 Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore.  It is always a big running event of the year here in Singapore where thousands would participants in the different categories.  I have conquered the 10KM in 2011 with my best running buddy ever, the hubby.  I was hoping we could conquer the 21KM this year.  But as I am still in the running in one of the best races I have ever joined so far, motherhood, I guess my 21KM dream would have to take the backseat for now.

But hopefully in a year or two, when our dynamics of having to care for a little one will be more firmly establish, then the hubby and I could perhaps revisit this item in the bucket list and hopefully have it ticked! 

To my colleagues and friends who will be running this Sunday, all the best and have fun pounding the streets of Singapore.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


While I am from the Central Visayas, I am fortunate that though we felt the wrath of Yolanda, but we have been spared from her lashes. 

When I received news from home that they are all safe after Yolanda has passed by, I was relieved.  But when news, photos, videos start coming in Saturday afternoon of the devastation that Yolanda has brought to the affected areas…I was shocked.  The devastation is beyond words.

For Singapore based friends, if you would like to participate in the relief efforts; the Philippine embassy has disseminated the channels through which monetary donations could be immediately sent by Filipinos and friends in Singapore. 

Click on image above for details.

And to those who are packing relief goods, a copied post from a friend’s FB wall gives the following suggestion of items to pack.

To everyone who is actively participating in packing relief goods to be sent in Tacloban City/Leyte, please note of the following:

1.) DO NOT PACK NOODLES OR ANYTHING THAT NEEDS WATER. There is no water and electricity so it is impossible to consume this kind of food....

2.) PACK MEDICINES - most especially basic medicines (biogesic, bioflu, robitussin etc). Also if possible, include medicine for surface wounds as many have been wounded because of the debris and fallen rooftops.

3.) PACK AT LEAST ONE BOTTLE OF WATER. People are raging for water (some have even become violent just for water). There is no source of water at all at any part of Tacloban.

4.) PACK CANDLES AND MATCHES - there's no electricity for a minimum of two months so all people will need these.

5.) ENCOURAGE YOUR RESPECTIVE GROUP/ORGANIZATION TO DONATE BODYBAGS. Bodies are lying around the roads within the city and some of the places have already been filled up with bodies.

Why are there so many natural disasters?  Click on the link below to find out what the Bible says about these and the practical steps on how to cope when faced in this situation.   It also tells of a comforting message of hope when soon you can finally say “No more disasters!”

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Long Weekend - Cuteness Overload

My weekday starts today!  Well actually it officially started yesterday, but Tuesday I work from home so I still call it a week off albeit working. (Working in your night gown still feels like a holiday J)And since I did not have to go to work on Monday being Deepavali replacement holiday that fell on a Saturday, I had a long weekend I spent with the boys. 

It was pretty good.  We planned to have it lazy, but it turned out to be busy.  Busy in a good way.  I was able to plan the week’s menu, gone to the market and did the grocery.  We have attended the weekend service and participated as a family in the field ministry. 

We took the little munchkin to Orchard Road hoping to catch the glittery lights that they usually put up around this season.  The munchkin is now into anything glittery and shining lately.  Unfortunately, the lights are not up yet, so we spent the time just walking about and of course, me taking gazillion photos of the munchkin.

Cuteness Overload!!!

And yes, we also discovered that the munchkin has 2 emerging teeth.  The first time parents were so excited! J If only he would be still and cooperate for a minute I would have taken a photo of his new little teeth.

So along with cuteness overload, I had a some side dish of cheesiness too.  Posted these two captions in my FB page.  

Ahhh to be in love and cheesy J

Hope you all had a good long weekend too!  Here’s to a fruitful week everyone!

Friday, November 1, 2013

New month...November, What Will I do to make you the most productive month of 2013?

The hubby asked me last night 5 words to describe my October.
  • Challenging
  • Frustrating
  • Tiring
  • Stressful
  • But Still Amazing (I have the little munchkin to thank….oh well let’s include the big gorilla too ;))

It’s the start of a new month, and the stress is already brewing in everything I do.  But this month of November, I intend to make it different.  While the challenges and the stress are inevitable in any given month (considering the multiple roles we play every day) I intend to replace “Frustrating” and “Tiring” with “Productive” and “Enjoyable”.  So for this Month of November, I have chosen “PRODUCTIVE” as my guiding word.    Sometime back, I applied this concept of guiding word and that time I have chosen gratitude, and I find it very effective.  Alright, I digress ;) …now back to Productivity.
And how do I intend to do that? That’s a good question. I actually don’t know where to start so I have listed and identified the steps I have to take and here they are.

FOCUS.  I was happily pinning yesterday when I stumbled upon an idea.  And I think it’s a great idea, something I can go and enhance for long term benefit.  I wanted to rush to the nearest DIY/Craft store and execute and plunge into my “brilliant” idea.  But I realized I still have an unfinished project that I have started, so I have to complete it before I move on.  So I will FOCUS on that first and see results.  Result = Productive.  Hopefully, by completing this unfinished project this month, this would teach me the discipline and focus to kick-off my “brilliant” idea next month.

And this goes to everything I do be it work or play.  Focus on one thing; see it to completion and on to the next task or activity.

Build extra hours into my day.  The days are long but the hours are few.  Huh?  Yes, I find that my days can be draggingly long but I find there is so little time to accomplish much.  By having extra hours in my day would spell a whole lot of productivity.  This month, I am starting my day an hour earlier and ending it an hour later.  That’s an extra two hours per day.

I intend to take care of myself and ensure the boys are in the pink of health.  Last month, the hubby was down with flu and the little munchkin caught the bug.  Having someone in the family get sick is quite overwhelming.  It puts a dent to our household dynamics.  An overwhelmed feeling saps out my energy.  Listless, lifeless are definitely deterrents to productivity.  This month, we intend to keep ourselves healthy by clean eating, right amount of rest, and regularly physical activity.  A healthy body and mind is a productive person.

With my goals for this month in place and with the above-mentioned steps to help me accomplish those goals, well here’s to a productive November!

How about you, how do you keep your day/month/year your most productive ever?
Share your tips on the comments, would love to hear from you.

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