Thursday, December 13, 2012

It can't rain forever...

Yes I have been in hiatus for a while.  The fourth quarter of this year has been tough for us, but so far we have managed, and thus the long silence. 
At the onset of the fourth quarter, hubby got flu. So between taking care of him and trying to stay healthy too because of the growing baby inside my tummy, I think it was just too much for me that unfortunately I got the bug as well.  (Hirap kasi sa abroad, there is no help and you have to do everything.  Living in a first world country does have its conveniences but home is where the comfort still is) I have to stay at home for 3 days because I can only take the mildest of medicine.  And to make matter worse, we receive news from home that my mother-in-law passed away. 
 I wanted to go back to be a support for hubby at one of the darkest period of his life (he is very close to his mom) but I was having high fever, and doctor’s advice and my family and friends’ suggestion to the best interest of the baby ‘s health and me is to just stay put.  I know the agony that hubby has to put up with to be torn between the two women of his life.  I assured him I would be alright and that he does not need to worry about me.  After a few days of rest, and lots of fluid, I recovered, while hubby was back in the Philippines making funeral arrangements for Mama Oping.
Just when we were recovering from all those blows, after Sunday service early November, I felt a sudden pain in left side of my tummy.  I brushed it aside as just the normal pregnancy pains and discomfort.  Monday came; I was just trying to bear the pain.  I do have very high tolerance of pain.  Good thing Tuesdays I work from home so I do not have to commute to work, so I still bear the pain.  Wednesday came; I knew it was something not normal anymore because even with just one single step I would cry in pain.  Thursday, we went to see my OB.  The reason for the pain was the degenerating fibroid.  I knew I have fibroids early on my pregnancy because my doctor saw it during the first ultra sound I have.  It is about 7cm by 6cm in size. 
Fibroid are benign (non-cancerous) growths present in 30% of women over the age of 30.  Very large fibroids even if silent (meaning hindi cya masakit and not a threat to the pregnancy) are inclined to undergo a process called "degeneration", an event which occurs if the enlarging fibroid outgrows its blood supply. Not receiving sufficient oxygen, the cells of the fibroid die, causing abrupt, severe pain and tenderness.  That was what I have experienced.  I was ordered by my doctor to bed rest for 7 days and asked to take a hormone pill every night to avoid premature contractions.  Up till now I am still taking my hormone pill because of a “slight” problem with my cervix according to my OB.  It’s close but it slightly opens and closes again….“Bumubuka buka”.  So now I am just following doctor’s order to avoid walking too much and carrying heavy things.  My next check-up would be on the 22nd of December.  Hopefully all would be well now.   
There are still some blows we experienced, but I think I would not be mentioning all of them in this post already, this post have too much negative vibes.
We receive blows that knock us down, but if I may quote the well-loved Filipino boxer Manny Pacquio “Don’t worry. We will rise again”
With all those things that have happened to us, it has helped me to see pregnancy and parenthood at a different light.  Yes the big fibroid in my tummy is ugly, but I know I am carrying a beautiful baby.  And yes the world can be unfair and tough, but we will do our best as parents to let our little beanie experience life and love.  Hubby and I echo the worlds of the Psalmist when he says “But the LORD has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.” Psalms 94:22
While the challenges and struggles still continues, we will put all these things behind us as reminders of how we can rise above it if keep our unity and love as partners and our full confidence and trust in God.
My next post would be a happier note.  We are preparing beanie’s sleeping area this weekend! I’m excited!!!


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