Thursday, July 18, 2013

We are weaning

Having a baby that is born 2 ½ months early at 30 weeks, this makes me worry about his growth and development far too unnecessarily.  But after all the traumas and the buckets of tears we shed during the first 2 months of his life, I guess you cannot blame me that much.

So during his monthly visit to his doctor for his 6th month vaccination, I was quite surprised when Doc K says he is ready to wean. 

The ever "worry-wart" in me, then turned to google. Ha! Imagine after having been advised by a professional with XX number of years experience, and I still turn to google.

It's not that we don't trust LO's pediatrician, we go to him regularly(we are at ease with him) and pay $$$ (we trust him enough for us to sacrifice travel fund $$$), but somehow google has a way presenting details of matters. :) Thank you google.

So anyways, after googling, this is what I have found out.

It is recommended that weaning your premature baby starts when your baby is between five and eight months old, the age they are from their birth date and not from their corrected age date.

So LO is 6 months old already from birth and so yes it is recommended that we start weaning him.
 Here are some signs that the baby is ready to wean:
  • baby is showing interest in other people eating  -  check
  • baby is putting things into his/her mouth  - check
  • baby is feeding well - check
  • baby can bring hands to mouth - check
  • baby makes "munching" (up and down) movements when putting things to his mouth - check

It's been five days now that we have given LO his rice cereal diluted in milk.  Sometimes he is able to take a lot, sometimes he is not that keen to finish his food.  Maybe straight 5 days of only rice cereal is becoming boring?

We are planning to introduce sweet potato this weekend.  Hope he will like it.

For those who have premature babies, I found this very informative booklet.  You can download it for free here.

How about you, have you start weaning your baby?  What food do you prepare for him/her?  Please share.

Friday, July 12, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things...

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite thing


When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

I love the sound of music, and the excerpt lyrics above is one of my favorite songs from the classical musical. So here is my own version of My Favorite Things
Choco cake with hot coffee on a cold rainy day

Warm pancakes dripped with sweet honey
Fresh flowers in the vase that brighten up my day
These are a few of my favorite things.

Toothless grin and bright eyes of this cute baby

Adorable little fellow that crawls on his tummy

A sweet hubby who helps me with the laundry

These are a few of my favorite things

Green apples dipped in salt and vinegar,
Red Chippy with ice cold coca-cola

A stick of gyoza from old changkee

These are a few of my favorite things.

When the head aches
When the bills come,
When the baby wails...
I simply remember my favorite things
And then i feel so blessed!
How about your, what are your favorite things?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

We had breakfast for dinner

Last Friday, on our scheduled Friday night dates with the hubby, we have planned to visit the newly "refurbished" IMM Mall. But as experience has taught me, you cannot have things go as planned with a baby in tow.

So instead we opted to a nearer mall at Causeway Point in Woodlands.  We wanted to have dinner first before we go shopping for the hubby.  Given that it was a Friday night around dinner time, almost all the restaurants are crowded with customer queues  a mile long.  We noticed though that the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf was not that crowded and no queue at that!  However, we ignored it as we have not had dinner and what we know about CBTL is that they serve coffee, tea, sandwiches and cakes.  Uhmmm, well not exactly my idea of dinner.

But after two rounds around the mall, and still not much progress in finding a not crowded resto, I finally told the hubby that if we can have our coffee/tea first before we have dinner later after we shop for his clothes.  Diba that's how the English does it, tea before dinner, or is it the other way around? LOL!

Nonetheless, we gave CBTL a try. We are quite surprised that they already served dinner and all day breakfast!  Aside from lunch and dinner and the two snacks in between, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. :).  I opted for a hearty breakfast instead of light dinner and the hubby follow suite.

So at 8:00 PM we had are hearty breakfast for dinner.  And bonus was that LO was very cooperative.  He slept all through out dinner giving the hubby and I the much deserved we time.

I had the Ultimate Breakfast @11.90 that comes with scamble eggs, two chicken sausage (one of which sadly fell on the floor), beef patty, turkey bacon and fresh salad.  And it comes with free drinks either fruit tea or hot coffee or tea.  I love the dried cranberries sprinkled in the salad.  Yum Yum

While the hubby opted for the Country Breakfast @11.50.  This comes with scrample eggs, toast, hash browns, baked beans, chicken sausage (or I think I offered him mine, hihihi can't recall) and crisp rommaine lettuce salad.

We ordered the fruit tree ice tea which was too bland for my liking.  We should have ordered hot teas instead to go along with our brekkie. Well there is always a next time.

And another down side was that the plate is quite small.  Remember what happened to my chicken sausage? I guess it was because the plate was just to small to manuever all the food.

But over all it was a nice dinner breakfast experience. :)

How about you what is your favorite meal of the day?

The Coffee bean& Tea leaf
1 Woodlands Square, #02-33 & #02-K02 Causeway Point Shopping Centre
Singapore 738099
Tel: (65) 6894 9180
Operating hours:
Sun - Thu & PH: 8am - 11pm
Fri, Sat and PH Eve: 8am - 12mn

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

T Time

Tummy time is important.  Tita Doc back in the Philippines has constantly reminded as why LO should have more tummy time.  Now Doctor K is saying the same thing.

Supervised tummy time (that is during baby's waking hours) is important to help babies to push up and eventually crawl.  The muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms and torso are strengthened during this exercise.  This will help prepare your baby for major developmental milestones such as rolling over, crawling, standing up and eventually walking.
 While some babies enjoy being put on their tummy, some babies for whatever reason just don't like it.  And so the tummy time, becomes torture time.

 I wish we could make tummy time a more enjoyable experience for the poor little fellow.  We are working hard on that.

Could this be the reason why he does not like tummy time?  Bad hair day! 

After T Time, I am sporting a Donald Trump hairstyle!!!

Does your little one enjoy tummy time? Or does he wail like he is being tortured and melts mommy's heart?  How do you make tummy time enjoyable for the little one?

Please share your thoughts.

How to renew your Philippine passport in Singapore

A passport with at least six months’ validity is a standard requirement for international travel, applicants are advised to renew their passports early to avoid inconvenience.

While my passport is still valid until February 2014, I went ahead early last June to have my passport renewed as it takes around 8 weeks to have your new passport after the renewal application.

I don't know if you find it a good thing or not, but "walkins" (coming to the embassy for passport renewal without an appointment) is no longer allowed.  Good thing my friend FYI'ed me or I would have happily marched to the embassy unannounced.  I did not know! You don't renew your passport every month or every year.

So after some googling and a visit to the Philippine Embassy website, I am set about to renew my passport.

1. I made an online appointment via the online e-appointment system found here.  Once you have log-in, the system will show you available dates for your appointment.  Unfortunately, weekends are not available.  Once you have selected a date, it will show the list of timings and the number of available slots.

Once you have completed, an automated confirmation email will be sent to you.  You have to print this out and present it on the day of your scheduled appointment. Don't forget to bring this as you won't be allowed to enter the embassy without this confirmation appointment. 

2. The next step is to fill up the application form completely.  You can download the form here.

3.  Along with the fully completd application form, make sure you have your complete documentation which includes the following

a.) Singapore IC, these could be your blue IC if you are a permanent resident or your employment pass.  This is your proof of residence here in Singapore.  (Original and Photocopy)

b.) Passport.  Have the data page photocopied.

c.) And cash of 102SGD as they only accept cash.

d.) Printout of confirmation message.

For household service workers, you ar required to bring a copy of your Employment Contract.

4.  On the day of the appointment, you must come on time. The embassy expects you to be properly dressed, meaning no shorts, slippers and sandos are allowed.  You also are encouraged to wear a collared shirt.  And since its only "encouraged", I didn't wear one, so I ended up having a standby shawl in the embassy wrapped around my shoulders because they deemed that my shirt's neckline is too low and thus not passport worthy :)

Here is an excerpt I got from the embassy guidelines.  Please be detailed in checking your passport as carelessness would cost you.

"Review your passport enrollment certificate before signing, as your signature indicates consent and acceptance of the details as encoded for printing in your new passport. If there is a mistake in the encoding (the most common mistakes are birthdates, the spelling of the first name or surname, and gender of an infant), the resulting passport will also carry that mistake. In such cases, the applicant will have to reapply for a new passport, pay for the same fees, and wait for the same amount of time (around six weeks)."

6. They will give you a blue collection ship with an indication of when you can collect your passport.  Unfortunately, they only do collections on weekdays.   Fortunately, they allow someone to collect in your behalf (good thing especially if your running out of annual leaves just like me).  Just make sure that aside from your current passport, you have to make sure that the person who is going to collect your passport brings along with him a signed authorization letter and a photocopy of your ID. (I assume this is your Singapore IC)

You can refer to this site here for FAQs, it quite useful and informative.

Monday, July 8, 2013

50 days and counting...

If we are facebook friends, you might have noted my 365days project.  Every day for the last 50 days, a week after we resumed our "lives" here in Singapore, I have posted a picture of the little one.

I often find myself smirking when I used to see facebook pages of new parents flooded with cute pictures of their little one.  Little did I know that one day, I would be eating up my words.  Having this preconceived notion in mind of how other people might feel if you happily posts pictures of your little one until there is no tomorrow, I even have to have a shout out disclaimer in my FB page.

It garnered quite a number of likes, so I take it as a lot of people out there, not just parents understands my sentiments.  And on I happily posts LO pictures.

Well, the most basic reason why I posts pictures of LO's milestones and his not so significant "milestones" is because we are on this "long-distance grandmother/aunt/uncle/cousins relationship" , and online is the only way we can connect and share.  Oh yes there is that occassional phone calls, but online is fast and efficient. 

And with constant reminders from family back home, then I have to oblige ;)

Well, of course I would be lying if I said my online sharing is just about family requests back home. I don't mind if friends get a peek into our lives.  And besides  LO's pictures get more “likes” than pictures of my new shoes or any what not activity I am into, so I guess my friends appreciates LO's pics too.

But having said all these, I do acknowledge the "consequences" of online sharing.  I do have very strict privacy settings and I often review my online friends (monthly that is and not because you are a friend of a friend would mean that I would be accepting your friend request!).  But then again, I do maintain a blog to express myself and nurture my passion of being a writer  a frustrated writer.   I guess this topic would be an entry of its own.  Let me think this through until I finally firm up my stand on this. watch out for this blog post!

So I guess I would continue posting and complete my 365days project even if I'm running out of LO's pose to post (pun intended :D).  And then maybe after that, a photo of  significant milesones here and there, until LO would start laying the ground rules like

...Mom you can't post that picture!....
...Mom you can't blog about that!.....
...Mom you can't tell people about this!....

unitl then, allow me to be just one proud mama.

How about you, do you posts pictures of your little one?

Friday, July 5, 2013

I recommend Swensen's Gold Rush

Chocolate and Coffee ice cream with butterscotch, chocolate fudge, mixed almonds, whipped cream, topped with cherry and wafer.  Now if I may say "It's heaven on earth"  Yum Yum!

Swensen's IMM
2 Jurong East St 21, #01-111,
Opening hours:
[Weekdays] 10.30am-10.30pm
[Weekends & PH] 8am-10.30pm
Tel: 6566 7554

For other Swensen's outlets check here.

How about you, any "must try" food recommendations?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My little gremlin

I don’t know if you can recall, but there was this horror comedy  movie back in the 80s of an imaginary cute and cuddly furry creature called a Mogwai.  It was a story of a boy who was given these three little cute Mogwais as a Christmas present from his father.  He has been given 3 instructions which he has to strictly follow regarding the care of these Mogwais.  The boy inadvertently breaks 3 important rules concerning his new pet and unleashes a horde of malevolently mischievous monsters on a small town.

The hubby and I, have our own version of the little Mogwai.  He is simply the cutest, most adorable little fellow.
We also have 3 strict rules to follow in the care of our little “Mogwai”.
1.      He has to be well fed.  Delayed feedings spells out disaster!
2.      He should be dry.  Leave him with wet or soiled diaper and be sure that all hell breaks loose!

3.      He has to have his afternoon nap, if not; you’re in for big trouble!
Unfortunately, yesterday afternoon on our trip to Singapore ICA to collect his long-term pass ID, not only did we break rule number 3 (as our appointment was 3 pm and we have to travel a long way thus we have to leave the house early and so he missed his afternoon nap), rule number 2 was also unintentionally broken when we were on the way home inside a moving train! 

And so, in the evening, when the hubby and I are spent for the day and are just too eager to lay our backs flat on the bed, this cute little “Mogwai” transformed into a Gremlin!!!

And you can just imagine what transpired through the night.
Ah the joys and challenges of parenthood. :)


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

This Momma wants to be pretty, so sue me!

Any mother would attest to this fact.  Having kids changes your life.  It’s not so much about you anymore.
After nine months of carrying all that weight (well I only get to carry mine for about 7 months, but still, it is some weight you got to carry there!), it seem like your body will never be the same again.  Not feeling great about our post-baby figures will lead us to wearing unflattering clothes, just so to hide the bulge.
Much as you want to spend an hour getting ready in the morning and look “put-together” when you leave the home, with a baby, it’s really a mighty feat.
But don’t get me wrong.  Being a mother is amaaaazing, but it isn't always glamorous.  Long gone are days where you aimlessly wander through the malls looking for that perfect dress.  And that weekend mani and pedi and the occassional hair-color....Ha!  Those are things of the past.

Getting ready is now more of efficiency, get things done in the shortest possible time, rather than leisure and luxury.  But this momma refuse to be frumpy!  Why?  Because whenever I am dressed, with a little touch of make up and hair nicely done, it changes my mood.  I feel happier and more energized. 

And I believe that a happy mommy is equal to a happy daddy and a happy baby!  So I am taking a stand.  I am fighting the frump. 

Here are some of the ways I am doing it.

Taking extra effort to at least come up with a stylish assembly of clothes.  I am never blessed with a knack for fashion, but I can safely say I can manage to pull an almost put-together look with extra effort.  That is one of the reason why I try my bestest to prepare my clothes for the week.  Most stylish women often give that advice and I am doing my mighty best to follow.  And thus the inspiration to visit polyvore more often as you can see from this post and another from this post.

Putting on a little make-up.  With only about 3 to 5 hours of sleep that I have at night,  waking up looking fresh and bright is only wishful thinking.  But with the help of cosmetics, I can pass on looking normal.

Now that I am a momma, I scout the drugstore and make use of these wondeful finds.  I find them equally effective but not equally expensive.

Olay foaming cleanser, Olay Total Effects day cream, BB creams from the ETUDE house,
the small bottle is tea tree essential oil from bodyshop
and of course the ever trusty Oral-B dental floss

I use Johnson's baby milk lotion not because  J&J is paying me to endorse (I wish!!!)
But I really find it very light but moisturize effectively
I know a lot of ladies swear to the MAC Studio fix, and I do too.  I have been a satisfied user for 2 years, but just this year, I tried to find "cheaper" alternatives.  So I have in addition to the BB cream from the ETUDE House, I bought this girly compact powder plus the water color blusher in No. 1 Pink.  Well so far these products haven't disappoint.
Looking good goes together with smelling good.  So I keep myself sweet smelling by spritzing a little of Davidoff Cool Water for women that the hubby and I bought last year. Since it's small that's the reason why I often use this, I can carry it with me anywhere for retouch.

And of course, the basics of eating healthy and exercising should be incorporated.  I know easier said than done especially on the exercising part.  I am working on that. :)  Plus never forget to hydrate, hydrate and hydrate.  Drink lots of water, its good for you.  And lessen the caffeine. Another easier said than done for me ;).

These are the little things I do that makes big difference in my feeling and looking less frazzled and frumpy. 

How about you momma, care to share some tips on avoiding the frumpy mommy look?


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Singapore I love - PARKS

As the haze is starting to clear  and now we are seeing some blue skies, what great way to let you into one of the favorite things I love about Singapore.  Well, if you thought that Singapore was just about the shopping and the eating, well think again.  Yes, one of the distinct features and the one that I love the most of Singapore's landscapre is her abundance of greenery.

Trees and flowers can be seen in almost every corner of the island giving a new meaning to what an urban jungle should look like.  With the numerous parks and gardens that create a unique green ambiance,  Singapore justifiably holds true to its title of a Garden city.

Nature lovers can enjoy the sights of flora and fauna or simply enjoy a picnic on the lawns in one of the numerous parks and gardens.

I love the parks for simple reasons as picnic with family and friends, to enjoy the flora of the Singapore Botanical garden and the newly opened Gardens by the Bay.  I also love to go to the parks just to pass time and make use of all the exercise equipments available (No need to go to the gym, it's fitness for free!).

Whether you’re looking for a place to stroll, picnic, jog or simply breathe some fresh air, escape to any one of these many parks and gardens in Singapore.  That's what I do for a free and easy way to relax after a long week's work.

Here are some of the parks I love to visit.
Singapore ain't called a garden city for nothing....

botanical gardens

I think I should plan a visit to one of the many different parks and gardens of Singapore with the little one soon. :) 

How about you, do you enjoy a picnic or perhaps a stroll in the park? 


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